Coffee and a Catch up with Armitage Haulage

Coffee and a Catch up with Armitage Haulage
Coffee & Catch up

We dropped in on Josh last week to grab a few snaps of his latest Fh500 purchase.

Josh Armitage, Director of Armitage Haulage, took delivery of a very tidy FH500 back in July this year. Now supporting Josh’s signature decals and also featuring a set of euro-style rear-view mirror beacons which we very rarely see on UK wagons.

We also took the opportunity over a coffee to chat with Josh regarding future ventures and his ever-evolving business.

Jah 3 - Thomas Hardie



Armitage Haulage has been operating for roughly 6 years and features an impressive 12 strong, all-Volvo fleet. Maintenance is handled via our Liverpool service depot whilst Ronnie Kelsall, our Regional Sales Executive, supports Josh with the unit acquisition side.

Josh has a respectable online following, with his trucks regularly being recognized. Especially the infamous 500bhp, Mad Max FH4.
Josh also informed us that his first Volvo, a 460bhp, 6×2, Euro 5, is still earning its keep today and is a firm favourite amongst the fleet.

Keen to evolve the business, Josh told us that over-seas haulage is on the cards for the future, alongside some newer/nearly new Version 5 units.

We are always interested to hear what makes Volvo the preferred choice for hauliers. Josh told us reliability and looks go a long way for him. ‘They are just a great all-rounder!’



Jah 6 - Thomas HardieWe would like to thank Josh for taking some time out of his schedule to talk to us. We look forward to working alongside Armitage Haulage again soon.







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