Andy has certainly gone to town with this ex forestry 500bhp Tag. Landing in Middlewich earlier this year, this formidable FH has undergone some extensive alterations.
Edwards Haulage operates within the animal feed/biomass sector, Transporting goods and feed across the country. Hardie’s and Andy have worked together for over eight years, with five of the hauliers seven Volvo strong fleet supplied by our Used Truck Sales team.
Andy is very complimentary of his time spent with Thomas Hardie’s. Excellent customer service, alongside vital warranty packages, are two distinct advantages of working with Hardies’ and two features that ultimately impressed Andy most.
This vehicle will also be benefitting from Volvo’s Blue Contract After-Market coverage, meaning a big success for all area’s of the team.
Our Used Truck department is no stranger to dabbling within the world of truck modifications. Very often customers will add a little something extra to give their Volvo the edge. Andy certainly achieved this, loaded with some of the best alterations we’ve seen, no area of the cab has been missed.
With painted grilles, extended sun-visors, alloy wheels being a small list of additions, Andy wanted this truck to stand out and that’s exactly what it does.
We are extremely proud to offer this service and believe this area of work is what some customers enjoy most. The opportunity to adapt a Volvo before visiting our site, a vital aspect for some.
Congratulations to Andy on his new Volvo and we hope to work alongside Edwards Haulage again soon.